Site icon Trobek: Mobile & Marketing

Sticker Packs for Consumer Engagement

In today’s digital environment, things are crowded.

It’s hard to stand out. It’s difficult to keep customers interested.

However, a plus to the technological age is the availability of new products to help bridge the gap between intangible interactions and meaningful connections.

Consumer Engagement is an emerging avenue of marketing that has quickly taken root over the years.

Companies and agencies alike are asking questions:

How can we build organic growth with our online brand? How can we keep our brand awareness sustainable after the advertising campaigns stop?

When designing a strategy to engage with consumers, it is important to remember one key fact:

It is often the “value” component of consumer engagement that gets lost in translation.

In my opinion, the most valuable item you can give someone is something that is useful. Even better, something they enjoy using (and can use) everyday.

The future is mobile. You only need to take a look at your Website Analytics to see that mobile is on par with and, most of the time, outperforms desktop traffic in terms of volume and conversion rates.

A stroll through the airport makes it clear that mobile devices are now engrained in society. It is how we communicate. It is the cornerstone of our friendships and relationships. Texting, iMessaging, FaceTiming… the list goes on and on.

I think most people understand the importance of having a mobile-compatible brand and website.

However, when it comes to apps, many get cold feed.

Unlike a full-scale mobile app, a sticker pack is an excellent addition to a brand strategy that is affordable and provides immediate value for consumers.

The future of consumer engagement will require companies to find ways to blend their brands with consumers’ everyday lives.

By delivering valuable experiences and products that consumers can use in their everyday, mobile-driven lives, brands can transcend traditional engagement and become truly connected with their target audience.



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